Gang of Three Me!
They are
So I am not just me, but I have two more essential parts of me the HeartMe and the MindMe…
HeartMe is more of an emotional give it anything and will see what happens later kind of a guy…
MindMe, is the calculative one… looks before he leaps, plans makes sure things fall into place…
These two guys don’t get along very well with each other… MindMe goes right, and HeartMe goes left…
MindMe says there is pain coming, HeartMe says there is happiness afterwards…
HeartMe says lets do it, MindMe says wait for the right opportunity…
HeartMe says today is the day to live in; MindMe says what about next Thursday?
HeartMe pushes me here, MindMe pushes me there…
And poor me, I being a good friend of both of them has to hear them fight every time we three reach a crossroad… thank God the fights have not been physical so far otherwise I would have been a walking nutcase hitting myself while walking talking standing sitting… what a hilarious situation would that be…
At times the HeartMe is invited to the MindMe’s apartment and we take the argument to a logical end…
Other times, we three sit down for a drink in HeartMe’s cottage and find happiness for ourselves leaving logic behind….
But most of the time, both of them like to come where I am, and we have a blast together, well mostly intense conversations to be honest, usually the results of these conversations is what others call a balance…
And Life goes on…
Still listening to All I want is you and Tesu…