Have a happy blog!!!!
A blog is the easiest place to vent out, and for a lot of reasons…
1. It does not judge you
2. It does not jump on to resolving your so called problems
3. It stays with you irrespective of how much of sadness you have in your life. As a matter of fact, the sadder you are, the closer a blog seems to be
4. It does not differentiate between emotional bursts, or sadness, or mood swings, or stupidity or enlightenment
5. It will agree to everything that you say… and make you feel better about saying it!
All of it is, however coming at a cost which a lot of us do not probably realise…
1. We get to read a lot of sad stuff, on our blog, or someone elses
2. Blog hopping could end up being a pretty depressing activity if sadness continues to be pumped to the virtual world at this rate
3. And blah and blah!!!!!
So my personal take on it…
keep it happy keep it simple
Inside out!!!
Let me end with a beautiful track from my all time favorite “Everything is Illuminated” with the same title…