No software is complete without a decent interface… I know of so many applications that failed miserably because the users did not see the interface that would have helped them get the feeling of what the application was capable of…
As people, as consumers the interface is very important for all of us…
I remember in one of the workshops I had attended a few years back, we talked about how every interaction that we have with any one is like a transaction… where someone is the customer and the other one is a provider… and that did make sense to me then and it does make sense to me today as well…
Ok, coming back to the initial point… the interface.. so in every transaction I feel that an interface plays and important role…
So does how and what we express… our emotions, our mind, our heart is the application running at the background and our expression of those emotions and thoughts is the interface…
having emotions, having feelings, having thoughts is a complete waste if we don’t express…
a lot of times our eyes speak…
a lot of times our actions speak…
and at times we do…
and if nothing of the above happens, I think we only increase distances… which at times become so large that it becomes impossible to bridge them.. no matter how hard we try !!!