Kuarterly Kleaning !
I dive when I want to… if pushed I may fall !I am going through my quarterly evaluation phase these days… for some reason every few months I start questioning myself on what am I upto and what are things around me all about…
The ones that add value, Stay
The ones that don’t, they go away
Call it a 3 monthly cleaning of the mind ! Its a tricky situation to be in because I get into a very critical and analytical mode where I question myself a lot, and at times feel bad about doing certain things or not doing them ! However the end result is usually a “sunny spring” after a “cold winter” kind of a feeling !!!
As as result of this quarter’s activity, the working out sessions at home have stopped and I have joined a gym which started well yesterday with about a mile of running and some free weights!
There is a lot more going on the li’il brain of mine…. later maybe !
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