Growing…. Yes, I am…
Bangalore has been fair to me… not too much traffic so far…. did not take more then 45 minutes to reach office… but the painful part has been the cab drivers… they drive as if there is no tomorrow… very very unsafe and rash…
After traveling with strange drivers for about 4 times, i finally had a driver who was calm and drove nicely… For the first time, I was comfortable at the back seat…. and a short conversation with him is worth a mention here…
Driver : Sir, what is your designation in Infosys?
Me: Consultant
I am thinking I know where this conversation is headed towards….
A Pause of about 5 minutes…
Driver : Sir, BSc. or B.Com.?
Me : B.Sc.
I was now thinking, this is definitely leading to a gyan session on what is better, engineering or accounts and what kind of money can people earn and so on and so forth…
Long Pause…
Driver: My daughter is also in Infosys for about 4 months now. She has done her B.Sc. Computer Science….
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