HaPPiNeSS iS….
the smile that you return when someone who does not know you smiles at you…
the number of times someone in a high beam lowers the beam when you are in front…
the grip of a child on your fingers…
the laughter of your friends…
the tears when you see your parents after a long time…
the number of times when you made love and enjoyed it too…
the number of times you were told that you are important…
the smell of your favorite bed sheet…
the caller tone of your girlfriend/boyfriends mobile…
the ring tone when your friends call…
the incoming call from your dearest friend who is in a different city now…
the burp after a fantastic dinner…
the shoulder of a friend…
the pan after a dinner…
the smile that comes to your face when you think of your date…
the excitement of exam results…
the daze after a nice drink…
staring on the roof after a nice tiring day…
a small phone bill because the phone company decided to give you a happy discount…
a hand written letter from someone who know…
a drive on a cold winter morning…
the number of scraps on Orkut…
the number of times a girl you do not know comes to your Orkut profile ( this was for guys only )…
a nice one liner sms in the morning…
a good parking space in the parking lot…
Friday night evenings and start of the weekend…
Rain when you really wanted it…
and it stopping, when you really wanted it to stop…
a candy with a touch of lemon or orange…
Wedding invite of your sister…
the air conditioned office on a bright hot summer afternoon…
the nice couch in the lobby…
no one in the line for your favorite movie’s ticket…
a kiss from a friend…
someone remembering your name…
a good workout in the gym…
the rapids on the Ganges…
the top speed of your car…
the taste of the food you cook…
a nice haircut…
a shirt of your favorite color on a 90% discount…
a seat in the metro on a ride back home…
your favorite song on the fm the moment you switch it on…
an hour of making out…
a hug from your son…
your college crush in your office…
Happiness is…
air on the mountains…
Happiness is…
waves in the sea…
Happiness is…
walks on the beach…
Happiness is…
when you let me be me…
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