GeT LiNkEd MoRe…GeT PoPuLaR…
But then in the last few years, things have changed… more and more people started having websites… the number of pages on the internet has only been increasing exponentially… and next came blogs, what started off with being mere online diaries todays has translated into so much more then just a medium to communicate for a lot of people…
What makes a lot of difference in a serious blogger’s or a web site’s life is the link popularity. Google is THE website that has set standard in link popularity, and page ranking… There are some complex algorithms that calculates the page rank of a page or a website… Some of the terms that are of importance while you are trying to read more about link popularity and page rank mechanisms are… search engine optimization, link baiting, technorati, latent symantec indexing etc… There is much more to the internet then we all know today… explore and get surprised…
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