wHaT iF !!!
what if…
ravana was there inside us.. and we had 10 heads… just trying to think out loud about the problems that we could have faced because of this awkward situation…
- extra money spent on cold creams, lip balms, lotions, hair creams, shampoo, soap, caps, shaving foam, bleach, make-up etc etc etc..
- going to a restaurant, we would not know which head to use and when…
- for a gal who has a boyfriend with ten heads, it would be so damn tough to figure out which one to kiss 😉 and what if all of them start kissing her at the same time.. what a mess.. ditto for a guy with a girlfriend with 10 heads…
- for a guy who has a wife with 10 heads, phew… can’t even think of the time when all of them start speaking at the same time… ditto for a gal who has a husband with 10 heads..
- it would be really costly to attend a show, or a concert, coz the charges usually are some hundred bucks per head…
- if girls take so long to get ready with one head… imagine how much time they will need with 10…
cannot really think of more right now… just enjoying thinking abot things that could have happened… hehehe…
hey.. there are few good things as well !!!
- you might just win all the debates….
- it would have been so damn easy to look into other’s papers during an exam…
- BPO industry would have been the happiest, one person.. and he could take 10 calls at one point of time…
bas…. aur nahin…
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