WaTeR ‘n’ Us !!!
emotions are like water… and we humans like the rivers…
like water has the tendency to flow… our emotions also should flow freely.. reminds me of what tushar says… let it flow..
also there are dams.. dams where water is stopped… the natural tendency of water is challanged.. and that is when we make electricity.. because of the force that water generates when it falls on those turbines…
what if we do not let our emotions flow freely.. what happens then.. we become dams.. where this time.. the free flow of emotions is challanged by our mind and heart… and when they come out they come with such a force that they can cause a huge damage…
unless we are one of the those rare humans who have the ability to control ourself and use the energy only for good…
i would have to agree with tushar… let it flow… let your emotions be water.. let then find their own way… let them reach where they want and they should..
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