2 MuCh 2 tHiNk !!
What is happening these days… my shimla trip gave me so many thoughts that i cannot possibly write them down.. there is so much that I can think about.. and there is so much that i think i have forgotten… i come to think about it. and i feel there is so much load on my head that it would burst under pressure…
Me, sushant, waquar and tushar.. kept talking about life and ppl and relationships and whatever we could think of… i came to know about things which they think about, how they think about them.. and how they want to take care of those.. there is so much that i cannot even think of writing everything in here… we talked about.. who is an intelligent person… who do we think would be the ideal girl for marriage… why do we men want a different woman for a girlfriend and for a wife… tushar in his blog has writted about emotional dependence as well.. which we discussed in the bus on our way to shimla and i do not even remember that discussion…
i guess i am better off talking about it then writing it…
may be continued